Howard Atwood Kelly

Howard Atwood Kelly was an American male gynecologist, one of the Big Four founding professors at the Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland. He is credited with establishing gynecology as a true specialty, by developing new surgical approaches to women only diseases and through pathological research.

He was born at Camden, New Jersey and educated at the University of Pennsylvania, where he graduated B.A. in 1877 and M.D. in 1882. He was for some years a member of the faculty of medicine at McGill University. After completing his medical education, he went to Kensington where he choose to practice gynecology. Dr. Kelly visited the best surgeons of abdominal and pelvic operations in Europe before returning to the University of Pennsylvania. In 188889, he returned to the University of Pennsylvania, to become associate professor of obstetrics. While in Philadelphia he founded Kensington Hospital for Women.

Source: Wikipedia